Giving Compass' Take:

• Strategic Corporate Conservation Planning is a guide that can help private sector leaders and conservation practitioners engage in meaningful corporate social responsibility strategies to respond to the climate crisis. 

• How does strategic funding come into play in CSR planning? 

• Read about these trends in CSR expected to happen in 2020. 

The history of the relationship between the private sector and the natural world is not a happy one. Starting during the industrial revolution and accelerating in the post-war years, industry misused land and water with serious negative consequences for people and planet. Today, thanks to government regulations, consumer demand and stakeholder engagement, the private sector’s relationship with nature is evolving to mend the mistakes of the past and find a path to a future that seeks to live with nature in order to allow it to thrive. This evolution is necessary given the global biodiversity crisis and the need to act in every corner of the world.

Strategic Corporate Conservation Planning provides private sector leaders and conservation practitioners a road map of how to mainstream nature into operations and engage in action to benefit biodiversity and business. The extract explores the story of an iconic corporate consequence of lax materials management and shows how a company, in this case Boeing, can change its relationship to the land. It establishes that bad actions can be rectified by good leadership and speaks to the need to continue the evolution in the face of extreme species loss.

The premise of Strategic Corporate Conservation Planning is that all lands are needed to address the existential global biodiversity crisis and that conservation action on private sector lands will be strategic, funded, and long-term when designed to accomplish a business benefit as well as an outcome for nature.

Read the full article about corporate social responsibility strategy by Margaret O’Gorman at Stanford Social Innovation Review.