Giving Compass' Take:

• In this Forbes post, Morgan Stanley gives an overview of systems change in philanthropy, and how it can tackle society’s most complex, interconnected problems.

• Are enough organizations shifting their strategies in this way to make a difference? How can we encourage more systems change mindsets in the sector?

Here are three ways to adopt this approach and deliver long-term results.

For anyone who doubts the breadth and depth of public generosity, here are a few numbers to consider: The U.S. has more than a million public charities1, funded by over 105,000 private foundations, along with millions of businesses and individuals, who together give more than $350 billion a year.2

Why then do so many social, economic and environmental challenges seem more intractable than ever? The answer may lie in how we look at society’s problems: As isolated issues to tackle, or as a complex, interconnected web of causes and effects.

Enter the breakthrough notion of systems change, which is shifting how philanthropic organizations approach problem-solving. Systems change acknowledges that society’s ills are complex. To drive lasting progress, organizations should first analyze the systemic causes of a problem, then scale impact by partnering with complimentary organizations that each bring a specialized focus.

If we continue as individual actors, we will continue to waste our precious assets and not achieve the results we seek.

Philanthropic Systems Change Means Teamwork

A key component of philanthropic systems change is collaborating with other organizations to attack different aspects of a failing system. Once an understanding of the system and actors is in place, organizations can act on pain points where there is an opportunity to affect change.

Many social, economic and environmental challenges seem more intractable than ever. The answer may lie in how we look at society’s problems: As isolated issues to tackle, or as a complex, interconnected web of causes and effects.

Red the original article about philanthropy getting at the roots of change by Morgan Stanley at Forbes.