Giving Compass' Take:

Give2Asia advocates giving to local grassroots nonprofits that can offer more knowledge, greater government cooperation, and more agency in developing nations.

• How can you incorporate local nonprofits into your giving portfolio?

• Learn more about Give2Asia's nonprofit network.

Localized philanthropy is gaining traction with funders, who are fostering program ownership by empowering local stakeholders.

1. More Ownership: Local nonprofits are inherently more invested in the long-term outcome of their work.

2. Local Knowledge: Funders can have more impact dollar-for-dollar by going straight to local program implementers.

3. Higher Return on Investment: Directly supporting the operations and sustainability of local organizations offers a lower cost structure and a stronger foundation for long-term impact.

4. Greater Relevance: Savvy funders to seek bottom-up models that prioritize local knowledge and ownership.

5. Diversification: Funders can increase their odds of achieving a desired impact through a portfolio of local partnerships.

6. Government Relations: Most governments and communities look favorably on local nonprofits with self-directed programs—and the funders who support them.

Read the full article about funding grassroots NGOs overseas at Give2Asia.