Giving Compass' Take:

• FSG highlights the positive impacts of businesses focusing more on gender equity and incorporating more gender perspectives, citing corporations that have been successful with these initiatives. 

•  Seeing that gender equity lens has benefits, how can more women and men work together to create gender equitable practices in the workplace?

• Read the extensive Giving Compass Gender Equality guide that touches on gender equity in employment. 

In the past few years, we have seen growing commitment and excitement around the world amongst foundations, non-profits, and companies who are re-thinking what achieving gender equity means, and why it is a critical societal imperative.

Beyond the direct positive impacts for business and for society more broadly, the benefits of reducing the gender employment, pay, and education gaps are undeniable. Globally, for example, women-headed households reinvest close to 90 percent of their wages in their households fostering improved child nutrition and higher education levels, leading to a virtuous circle of poverty decline.

Increasingly, companies have been incorporating gender perspectives throughout different areas of their business.  Few companies have succeeded in applying a gender lens across their entire business in an integrated and sustainable way.

To more deeply understand where companies are on the journey to unlocking the full potential gender equity offers, FSG is exploring with leading companies around the world what can be learned from past efforts, and what new thinking and approaches are needed going forward.

Read the full article about gender equity in business by Laura Herman, Lolita Castrique, and Flynn Lebus at FSG.